Dropbox for Business




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Dropbox is probably the most recognizable cloud storage “brand”.   While not the cheapest, we feel it has a very good feature set, super robust syncing and desktop syncing and is easy to use.

While I use Google Docs for their online spreadsheet and word processing documents, I ended up choosing Dropbox for thier full package of features and benefits.   I tried various competitors, one for almost a year, before determining that it was simply not reliable on desktop syncing.

Here is a video about Dropbox for Business:


Here is a longer comparison to our two favorite online cloud storage providers.

Drop box has the following going for it:

(1) Very reliable on desktop Sync.

(2) Very fast on desktop Sync.

(3) File Version access is easy to use.

(4) Clean interface

(5) Undelete capability

(6) Sharing of Files or Folders to external collaborators

Give it a try. You might find it has the right balance of features and reliability and cost for your needs.

P.S. – We used at length the paid versions of OneDrive (Microsoft) and Sharefile (Citrix) before giving Dropbox for Business a try.


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